Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Explanation of Title / Introduction

Hello all,

This first post of mine will serve both as an introduction to this blog and myself, and as an explanation of the title.

My name is Frank Bumb, aged 19, of Wauseon, Ohio (about 45 minutes west of Toledo). I am currently enrolled in the prestigious Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. I am seeking a journalism degree (sequence / specialization undecided) from the redunantly named E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. My hope is that the expierences at this university, both academic and extra-curricular, will propel me into the field of either sports or political journalism.

My hobbies include American football, poker (specifically Texas Hold'em), video games, discussing / debating politics, history, and a variety of other issues and activities.

Owing to the source of the inspiration for this blog, my Journalism 101 professor, Professor Robert Stewart, much of this blog will deal with my academic activities, extracurricular activities (more on these at a later point), and just general college life. Though this by no means limits me from going off on a tangent concerning politics or even ancient history.

As to the title, my last name, owing to the final "b" being silent, is phoentically equivalent to that of a common word for the homeless. Thus my title is meant to conjure the image of a "Bum(b)" at a card board desk, with a laptop, blogging away.

Like my wit? There's much more to come.

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